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Remember everything you learn.

Our app uses science-backed methods to help you remember information for longer.

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Using techniques like active recall and spaced repetition, our app helps you remember more effectively.

Create flashcards.
Make flashcards for the topics you want to learn, with questions on one side and answers on the other.
Active recall.
Boost retention by testing your memory and recalling the answer before flipping the flashcard.
Spaced Repetition.
Let the app schedule your reviews at optimal intervals to boost retention and prevent forgetting.

Crafted for all.

An intuitive design that makes memorizing easy for everyone.


Personalised learning experience

The app adjusts the review intervals based on your pace and progress.

Basic terms and concepts.
Cognitive Biases
Decision-making flaws
Laws of UX
Collection of best practices when building user interfaces.
Ancient History Dates
Inventions, the establishment of legal codes, and the rise and fall of empires
Programming Concepts
Harvard's CS50 Basics
Basic terms and concepts.
Cognitive Biases
Decision-making flaws
Laws of UX
Collection of best practices when building user interfaces.
Ancient History Dates
Inventions, the establishment of legal codes, and the rise and fall of empires
Programming Concepts
Harvard's CS50 Basics
Basic terms and concepts.
Cognitive Biases
Decision-making flaws
Laws of UX
Collection of best practices when building user interfaces.
Ancient History Dates
Inventions, the establishment of legal codes, and the rise and fall of empires
Programming Concepts
Harvard's CS50 Basics
Basic terms and concepts.
Cognitive Biases
Decision-making flaws
Laws of UX
Collection of best practices when building user interfaces.
Ancient History Dates
Inventions, the establishment of legal codes, and the rise and fall of empires
Programming Concepts
Harvard's CS50 Basics

Easily manage your decks and flashcards

Create, edit, and delete decks and flashcards with ease.

Cross-Platform Accessibility

Support for Android coming in late 2024.

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Frequent updates and new features

We are constantly improving the app and adding new features.

Stop wasting time on
learning without remembering it.

Start learning the smart way.

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